I’ve decided to update the look of the site to something more stylish. This is coinciding with a New-Year’s Resolution aimed at making this place more informational. All the previous blog posts are still readable, just scroll.

Also! The source code for this site is available on my GitHub, something that was missing with my previous site. If you’re wondering how I came to this design, read on:

I started with a fork of GitHub user Poole’s excellent Hyde Theme for the Jekyll static site generator. From there, I tweaked the colours to match the Nord scheme, which is currently my favourite colour scheme. I’ve also switched main paragraph font out from Helvetica Neue to Roboto Slab, which is a much nicer font in my opinion. Code blocks have also been modified to fit the Nord scheme, but also the font has been changed to JetBrains Mono, which you can find more information about here.