Simple HTML+CSS+JS Spoiler
I recently discovered that Markdown (what I use to write this blog) doesn’t support the spoiler syntax commonly seen on Reddit & Discord (>!It looks like this!<
). But since Markdown does support inline HTML, I thought I’d set out and create my own.
My site uses SASS/SCSS for its CSS, but all the CSS I will show is vanilla, so it shouldn’t matter. Firstly, here’s what the spoiler looks like:
Wow look at me!
If you click on the grey box, it will show the text. You can also use inline spoilers like this: Now it’s inline!
I’ll also show you how to make spoilers reveal themselves on hover, using the spoiler-hover class, but this is less accessible for mobile users. It does, however, have the advantage of not requiring any JavaScript
.spoiler {
color: #828282;
background-color: #828282;
border-radius: 3px;
user-select: none;
padding-left: 0.3rem;
padding-right: 0.3rem;
.spoiler:hover {
cursor: pointer;
.spoiler-hover:hover, .spoiler-shown {
color: #474747;
background-color: #c6c6c6;
HTML usage
Here is an <span class="spoiler">inline spoiler</span>
Here is an inline spoiler
<p class="spoiler">Here is a block spoiler</p>
Here is a block spoiler
And finally, an inline, <span class="spoiler spoiler-hover">hover spoiler</span>
And finally, an inline, hover spoiler
JavaScript for Clickable Spoilers
The final step to getting this to work is to add a little bit of JS to the page, so remember to load the JS using the <script>
<script src="path/to/script.js"></script>
And in script.js
(this example doesn’t use JQuery):
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { // When DOM is ready
document.querySelectorAll(".spoiler") // Select all .spoiler elements
.forEach(item => { // For each .spoiler element
item.onclick = () => { // When clicked
if (item.classList.contains("spoiler-shown")) // If the spoiler is shown
item.classList.remove("spoiler-shown"); // Hide it
else // Otherwise
item.classList.add("spoiler-shown"); // Show it
}, false);